Site icon Wantastiquet-Monadnock Trail

$ for Privy

Hello Friends of the WM Trail

Some of you have visited the Draper Campsite shown below, about 3/4 mile east of the Beals Trailhead of Pisgah Park. It is a very pretty and interesting spot, not only for its peaceful demeanor, but for its historically significant cellar hole nearby of the Draper homestead..

The one thing that’s lacking is a privy!  A good quality mouldering privy (for remote areas) is expensive, even when the labor is volunteer. As those of you know who have built anything recently, lumber is expensive, so we are asking if our friends would send along a donation to help defray the cost of a privy for the Draper Campsite. If you would like to help, it is easy to do so, click on the donation tab or send us a check at WM Trail, Box 484, Spofford, NH 03462. THANKS!

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